- epidermic layer
- эпидермальный слой
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
epidermic — adj. of or pertaining to the the epidermis, of or pertaining to the outermost layer of the skin … English contemporary dictionary
Fruit anatomy — Longitudinal section of female flower of squash (courgette), showing ovary, ovules, pistil, and petals. Fruit anatomy is the internal structure of fruit, the mature ovary or ovaries from one or more flowers. In fleshy fruits, the outer and often… … Wikipedia
Cell — The basic structural and functional unit in people and all living things. Each cell is a small container of chemicals and water wrapped in a membrane. Each cell in the human body there are 100 trillion cells in each of us contains the entire… … Medical dictionary
sheath — 1. Any enveloping structure, such as the membranous covering of a muscle, nerve, or blood vessel. Any sheathlike structure. SYN: vagina (1). 2. The prepuce of male animals, especially of the horse. 3. A specially designed tu … Medical dictionary
epidermis — epidermal, epidermic, adj. epidermically, adv. /ep i derr mis/, n. 1. Anat. the outer, nonvascular, nonsensitive layer of the skin, covering the true skin or corium. 2. Zool. the outermost living layer of an animal, usually composed of one or… … Universalium
Root sheath — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = 234 GrayPage = 1068 Caption = Transverse section of hair follicle. Caption2 = Precursor = System = Artery = Vein = Nerve = Lymph = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = s 10 DorlandsSuf =… … Wikipedia
epidermis — /ɛpiˈdɜməs / (say epee dermuhs), /ɛpə / (say epuh ), /ˈɛpidɜməs / (say epeedermuhs) noun 1. Anatomy the outer, non vascular, non sensitive layer of the skin, covering the true skin or corium (dermis). 2. Zoology the outermost living layer of the… …
epidermis — [ep΄ə dʉr′mis] n. [LL < Gr < epi , upon (see EPI ) + derma, the skin: see DERMA1] 1. the outermost layer of the skin in vertebrates, having no blood vessels and consisting of several layers of cells, covering the dermis: see SKIN 2. the… … English World dictionary
epidermis — n. 1 the outer cellular layer of the skin. 2 Bot. the outer layer of cells of leaves, stems, roots, etc. Derivatives: epidermal adj. epidermic adj. epidermoid adj. Etymology: LL f. Gk (as EPI , DERMIS) … Useful english dictionary
exterior — Synonyms and related words: airscape, alien, apparent, apparent character, appearances, border, circumference, cityscape, cloudscape, coating, cortex, cortical, covering, crust, diorama, display, envelope, epidermic, epidermis, exomorphic, exotic … Moby Thesaurus
external — Synonyms and related words: alien, apparent, border, circumference, cortex, cortical, covering, crust, envelope, epidermic, epidermis, exomorphic, exotic, exterior, extraneous, extraorganismal, extrinsic, facade, face, facet, foreign, fringe,… … Moby Thesaurus